Exploring Adventure Destination At Garut

There are many good place to visit in Garut and here some Exploring Adventure Destination  that perhaps you want to know.

Mount Papandayan
Regions object of Mount Papandayan have an area 7132 ha, consisting of a Nature Reserve with an area of 6807 hectares and 225 hectares of Natural Park. The type of this mountain is a type of volcano has a height of 2622 m above sea level. While the number of craters Papandayan have many active craters, some of which there are four craters that erupted in 2002, namely the New Crater, Nagklat crater and crater  2002 (2).
The appeal of the main form of the volcano crater, panoramic, mountain and camp, all this can be done in TWA potential attraction there is a forest in the Nature Reserve (CA) that are specifically for research and education (from ITB routinely carried out every year) and outside the region there are plantations of the garden belonging PTPN8 Sedep, Bandung.
The main activities that can be done that is tracking, hiking, photography and forest recreation that all this can be done in the TWA. While the activity is supporting the research of fauna and flora of the CA and for the picnic and camping can be done at the TWA.

Mount Cikuray
Cikuray Mountain is the highest mountain in Garut. Carrying 2821 meters high above sea level. Because that's the height, this mountain is very easily recognized and viewed from various directions. It is located in the southern city of Garut, exactly in between the region and the article is Cilawu. Besides known height, this mountain is also the symbol of natural riches Garut.
Until now  natural panorama of Mount Cikuray great demand of tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. Many of those who come to Cikuray tempted to climb the mountain, looking at the beautiful scenery around it. Although the mountain has no such crater of Mount Guntur or Papapandayan, but no less interesting for its natural panoramic view from the other mountains in the surrounding mountains.

Mount Guntur
Mount Guntur is one of the mountain is owned by Garut district, which is located in the village of Kampung Dukuh Pananjung Sub Tarogong Kaler. Mount Guntur is a mountain that is still active with this volcanic activity has a height of 2000 m above sea level and has a crater contained in one peak. Mount Guntur has a unique landscape character which has three hills on the peak, each hill has a height of 1000 m (from the foot of the mountain), 1200 m and 1300 m at the highest peak. This mountain has a form of appeal challenging mountain terrain, valleys, waterfalls, rivers, natural panorama and craters. Mount Guntur has the general configuration of the land is mountainous with very steep slope and has a soil material in the form of rocky sand. For the stability of the land area classified as unstable, with high levels of land slope and soil absorption is enough.
Mount Guntur Regions TWA has not been intensively developed for tourism zone, it's just a lot of Mount Guntur visited the explorers and used as an area for camping, hiking and tracking.

Talaga Bodas
Talaga Bodas Crater TWA region has an area of 23.85 hectares and located at an altitude of 1512 m above sea level. This tourist attraction is a natural tourist park with white water.
Soil stability and water absorption region is at middle. Type of soil material is rock, rocky soil. Talaga Bodas Crater environmental conditions quite well with the cleanliness and landscape that is fair, visitors who come to the TWA is usually done tracking tours, hiking, photography, picnic, or just a walk and refreshing .

 So...interesting to exploring them..???

Article Source: garutkab.go.id


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